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Chef Mark’s Palate was named not just for Executive Chef Mark Henry. The Palate’s concept is derived from many different meanings. It is the palate in our mouths that allows us to savor and enjoy the many different flavors we experience every day. The palate is also the working board from which artists create their brilliant masterpieces, one brush stroke at a time. Mixing colors to create beauty, that is what the palate does—and at Chef Mark’s Palate, colors, flavor, beauty, they are all represented in the art that is the food we prepare. Your dining experience at the Palate is sure to be engaging not only for the tastebuds, but also for the eyes.

“Nature contains all the designs of the future. As long as the artist holds fast to Nature and her designs, all will be well. It is when the artist turns from Nature, deeming himself superior to her…then comes the fall Art.” - Shakespeare